Can Osteopathy Help With Plantar Fasciitis?

by | Aug 17, 2023 | Blogs | 0 comments

What else did you expect? After a long day, you finally rest your tired feet, only to be greeted by a stabbing jolt of pain the moment you rise. Plantar fasciitis – it’s like your feet are staging a rebellion. Don’t worry, this was bound to happen, given your daily hustle, that weekend runs, and maybe the shoes that seemed cool but ended up betraying your feet.

In this article, we’re delving into the world of plantar fasciitis and exploring how osteopathy, a holistic approach to healthcare, can provide effective solutions for managing this often-debilitating condition.

Understanding Plantar Fasciitis

Imagine getting out of bed and feeling like you’re stepping onto a bed of nails. That’s the cruel welcome that plantar fasciitis can give you. 

Plantar fasciitis is like an uninvited guest that takes residence in the sole of your foot. It’s characterised by that notorious heel pain, especially when you take your first steps in the morning or after prolonged periods of rest. Picture it as a strong band of connective tissue – the plantar fascia – that spans from your heel to your mid-foot, supporting your arch and absorbing the forces your feet encounter during various activities. 

Standing, walking, or even enjoying your favourite outdoor activities can turn into challenges. Your feet, those trusty companions, suddenly become a source of discomfort. 

Causes and Risk Factors

This condition isn’t picky – it can affect adults of all ages, reminding us that our feet deserve some TLC. The culprit? Inflammation of the plantar fascia- the tissue under your foot gets inflamed. Excessive running, improper walking mechanics, and overly tight muscles are a few factors that can trigger plantar fasciitis. Sometimes, even a switch in your running terrain can shift the balance, exerting more pressure on your feet and ankles. If you’ve experienced ankle or ligament strains before, they might also play a role. And oh, don’t overlook your shoes – they can spell trouble if they don’t provide adequate support and cushioning for your feet.

Now, here’s the kicker – Ignoring the signs and hoping for the best won’t cut it, but it will turn into a never-ending saga of pain and frustration if left untreated. You see, the more you avoid seeking help, the more this condition can dig its heels in.

Common Myths about Plantar Fasciitis

So, plantar fasciitis seems to have gathered quite a few stories around it. But fear not, We’re here to set the record straight and give you the real scoop on this condition and its treatment.

Myth #1: Plantar Fasciitis Only Strikes Athletes

Hold up – this myth needs a reality check! Plantar fasciitis doesn’t discriminate based on your running history. Whether you’re a marathoner or more of a couch enthusiast, this foot annoyance can make an appearance in anyone’s life.

Myth #2: Resting Will Solve Everything

Taking a break might give you temporary relief, but it won’t wave a magic wand and make the problem vanish into thin air. The proper treatment goes beyond just Netflix and chill.

Myth #3: Ignoring the Pain Will Make It Go Away

Sorry, but ignoring the pain won’t make it magically disappear. Plantar fasciitis isn’t a ninja – it won’t vanish into thin air if you pretend it’s not there. Ignoring it might just give it more time to play around and make things worse.

Myth #4: Surgery Is the Only Way Out

Hold off on the operating room fantasy! Surgery isn’t always the first solution. In fact, many people find relief and healing through non-invasive treatments like osteopathy. So, before you get too cosy with the idea of surgery, explore other options.

Myth #5: You Can Kiss Exercise Goodbye

You know what? You don’t have to wave farewell to your workout routine forever. Sure, you might need to tweak a few things, but having plantar fasciitis doesn’t equate to being kicked out of the exercise game. The secret lies in discovering the right mix and approach that suits you best.

After all, your body deserves care and movement, even when dealing with discomfort.

Now that we’ve put these myths to rest, let’s focus on what’s real. Plantar fasciitis is treatable, and the key is seeking the right kind of help. Osteopathy offers a holistic approach that dives deep into the root causes of your discomfort. It’s about understanding your body’s unique story and crafting a plan to put that pain in its place.

Can Working Out Make My Planter Fasciitis Worse?

When you’re hit with the reality of plantar fasciitis, it’s easy to assume that physical activity is off-limits. But here’s the scoop: with some thoughtful adjustments and expert guidance, you can still keep the fire of fitness burning. The key is finding the right balance and approach that respects your body’s healing process.

Embrace the Right Kind of Exercise

Low-impact activities become your new workout companions. Imagine the serene embrace of a pool during a swimming session or the mindful stretches of yoga and Pilates. These exercises offer the twin benefits of enhancing your physical wellness and giving your plantar fascia the breathing room it needs. Even cycling can be your ally – just keep reading to know the ins and outs.

Do’s and Don’ts

Activities that involve excessive running and jumping are on the “Don’t” list. These high-impact moves might trigger discomfort and put extra strain on your heels and arches. If you’re a sports enthusiast, proper warm-up and cooldown routines, when coupled with the right footwear, can help you enjoy your favourite activities –  without aggravating your condition.

Decoding Cycling and Plantar Fasciitis

Cycling emerges as a gentle warrior in the realm of cardio workouts. It’s low-impact and kind to your joints – a real win-win. However, remember the golden rule of warming up and gearing up correctly. Your bike should be your trusty steed, supporting your height and ensuring a well-maintained, comfortable ride. While cycling itself isn’t likely to trigger plantar fasciitis, improper technique or equipment can lead to overuse injuries that worsen your symptoms.

Your journey through plantar fasciitis doesn’t mean pressing a pause on an active lifestyle. Rather, it’s an opportunity to explore different avenues of movement that respect your body’s needs. 

Can Osteopathy Help with Plantar Fasciitis?

Imagine having a guide on your journey to healing, someone who understands the intricacies of your foot’s mechanics and the web of factors that might be contributing to your discomfort. This is where an osteopath, particularly one with expertise like Dr Phil Austin at Clinic Osteopath Sydney, steps in. Osteopathy isn’t just about addressing symptoms; it’s about understanding the root causes of your pain. 

Plantar Fasciitis Specialists in Sydney

Dr Phil Austin and his team employ a comprehensive approach to tackle plantar fasciitis. Through detailed history-taking and thorough physical examinations, they unravel the unique story behind your discomfort. The hands-on treatments they offer encompass muscular stretching, joint articulations, and manipulations aimed at not only your feet but also your knees, hips, and overall posture. It’s about restoring harmony to your body, recognising that sometimes the origin of the issue might be higher up the kinetic chain.

At Clinic Osteopath Sydney, it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. Alongside hands-on osteopathic treatment for plantar fasciitis, we create a tailored lifestyle regimen to strengthen and support your healing process. Think of it as a complete collaboration – not just tending to the surface issues, but also delving into the root imbalances that have played a part in your plantar fasciitis. Here, at Osteopath Sydney, we’re dedicated to guiding you with insights and strategies so that you’re an engaged participant in your recovery. This journey isn’t solely about fleeting relief; it’s about laying the groundwork for enduring ease and overall wellness.

With each appointment with our plantar fasciitis specialists, your body gains strength and balance. You’ll find yourself walking with less pain and more ease and also discover new ways to connect with your body.


So, can osteopathy help with plantar fasciitis? Absolutely. Where can I get plantar fasciitis treatment in Sydney? Well, Dr Phil Austin and Clinic Osteopath Sydney stand ready to be your partners in the journey towards relief and healing. If you’re tired of the morning heel pain and are ready to take a step towards pain-free living, reach out to us for a consultation. Together, we can uncover the personalised path that will lead you back to a life of movement and comfort.

Phil Austin:

Osteopath Sydney

I’ve worked as an osteopath for over 25 years and have worked in the UK, New Zealand, Sweden and currently Australia. Through working as a researcher, I’ve developed a patient-centered approach that considers, physical, psychological, social and spiritual factors, all of which affect how people think and react to painful situations.


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